Suffah Academy selects students based on indicators of their future potential, characteristics including intellectual curiosity, perseverance in the face of adversity, and creativity. Read our admissions section for more information and contact our admissions office to start your application.
Admissions Process
The admissions process is designed to help you learn as much as possible about our school, and at the same time help us become better acquainted with you and your child. This is the perfect opportunity to ask specific questions pertaining to your child. We believe that the best time to see our school in action is when classes are in session. This will give you the opportunity to see our school when it is brimming with the energy of our students.
Please bring with you the following items at the time of registration:
1 VOID cheque 1 cheque for supply fees 1 cheque for deposit fees
1 VOID cheque
1 cheque for supply fees
1 cheque for deposit fees